March 1, 2017

When I look at thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast established; what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou dost care for him? Yet thou hast made him little less than God, and dost crown him with glory and honor. – Psalm 8:3-5
It was on February 6, 1971, that perhaps the greatest golf shot was ever made. It was made with a six iron and covered a great distance.
The shot was not made on any golf course or driving range, nor did a professional golfer make the shot. It was made by Alan Shepard, the commander of Apollo 14 and the pilot of the lunar module Antares. Before piloting the Antares away from the moon, Shepard attached the head of a six iron to a telescoping pole. He hit two golf balls from the surface of the moon. The second swing connected and, as Shepard himself stated, it went, “miles and miles and miles.”
Striking the golf ball from the surface of the moon is an amazing feat that no one else can claim. What makes this golf shot all the more impressive is that Alan Shepard almost did not take the shot or a trip into space.
In 1961, Alan Shepard was the second man in history to go into space. He was the first American to do so. His first flight appeared to be his last flight. Shortly after Alan would be diagnosed with Meniere’s disease. This problem causes swelling in the inner ear and dizziness. There was no known cure. Shepard was grounded.
It was not until 1968, seven years after his space flight, that Shepard would learn of a possible cure for his infection. A doctor in California had developed a procedure that would relive the pressure by inserting a small tube. He immediately went through the procedure and within the year he was restored to flight status. Shepard thought that he would never return to space, much less stand on the moon. But because a doctor was able to insert a small tube in his ear, Alan Shepard was able to hit the biggest golf shot in history.
Often our dreams seem out of reach. Because there are obstacles in our way that seem insurmountable, we often give up hope. There is always hope. As a people of faith we believe that God, the one who created the heavens and the earth, is with us. The one who spoke all things into existence is beside us as we take the journey of life. When things appear impossible to our eyes, I hope that we will remember that God, who is infinite in wisdom and power, is able to take us, “miles and miles and miles” beyond what we perceive to be impossible.
Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor