February 6, 2024

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. -John 15:12

Mitchell Robinson is a 7’ tall professional basketball player. Mitchell plays center for the New York Knicks. He has played for the Knicks since being drafted in 2018. By all measures he is a big success on the court. His success has gone beyond the game of basketball. He is a big man with a big heart.

Robinson’s basketball success started in high school. He moved both his freshman and sophomore year, with relatively little success in basketball. He would play his junior and senior year at Charlmette High School in Louisiana. There he would connect with Coach Butch Stockton and his wife Dawn. The Stockton family would have a profound impact on Robinson’s career and life. While at Charlmette High School, Mitchell Robinson would become a McDonald’s All-American.

Sadly, in the summer of 2023, Dawn Stockton would be diagnosed with cancer and would pass away. While she was in the hospital, Robinson would make several visits to check in on both Dawn and Coach Stockton. Mitchell wanted to care for them, just like they had cared for him in high school. After Dawn’s death Mitchell would extend a gracious invitation to Coach Stockton. He invited his coach to come live with him in New York City for a time, so that Coach Stockton could get back on his feet. Butch and Dawn had been married for over 30 years. Butch was going to struggle without her. Mitchell said, “You should come to New York with me and enjoy yourself and get your mind back straight because you know how much you loved your wife.”

Coach Stockton took Mitchell up on his invitation. They have been able to help each other out, once again. When interviewed by the New York Post, Mitchell said, “It has worked out for the best. I can help him out like he helped me.”

No matter what we achieve in our lives and in our careers the greatest success we can have comes by helping others in their time of need. Mitchell Robinson is an NBA success story. He is also successful in life because he never lost gratitude for the people who helped him and through his gratitude, he has become a blessing himself.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship