December 7, 2018

It’s long been a tradition for me to buy my children pajamas for Christmas, and I always enjoy shopping for them! Maybe one reason I connect pajamas to Christmas is because of a sweet memory.
When I was about 10 years old, I had a 7-year-old sister, as well as four brothers who were 1, 3, 8 and 12. A few weeks before Christmas, Mom escorted my two oldest brothers into a bedroom and closed the door. My sister and I could hear them rolling with laughter. Of course, we were quite curious, but Mom just said, “It’s almost Christmas time… don’t ask questions!” This ritual was repeated several times in the weeks leading up to Christmas, which of course, only made the wait more grueling for us. We couldn’t imagine what they were doing behind that door, and it nearly drove us crazy!
When Christmas finally arrived, we found out what had been so comical. Mom was an excellent seamstress, and she’d been making my sister and me some beautiful blue and white striped flannel pajamas with white lace. In order to make sure they fit us properly, she’d been using our brothers, who were similar in size, as her “models,” and they must have looked very funny in those pajamas!
Christmas pajamas, hot cocoa, jigsaw puzzles, gingerbread houses, a fire in the fireplace …all bring back memories of Christmases past. I love those memories, but also look forward to making new ones this year. What are your hopes and dreams for Christmas? Are you wondering about the perfect gifts for your spouse, children, grandchildren, and friends? Are you thinking about what foods you’ll eat, what kinds of candy you’ll make, or where you’ll spend the holidays?
There are many decisions we make around this time of year, and all are part of the Christmas celebration and traditions. In the busyness of this season, it’s easy to forget the real reason behind it all – the birth of our Savior. How can we honor Jesus on His birthday? By making sure He’s in the middle of everything we do! Jesus wants our whole heart in our fellowship, when we worship and study, and as we serve others.
I love the words to this Christmas song, written by Carol Cymbala. If you don’t know it, find it and listen:
Happy birthday, Jesus. I’m so glad it’s Christmas. All the tinsel and lights, and the presents are nice, but the real gift is You.
Happy birthday, Jesus. I’m so glad it’s Christmas. All the carols and bells,
make the holiday swell, but it’s all about You.
Happy birthday, Jesus. Jesus, I love You. I love You Jesus.
Susan Easttom, Director of Family Ministries