“Let me hear of Your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting You. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to You.” Psalm 143:8
St. Francis of Assisi was once asked what one thing he would do, if he knew he only had one day to live. When he looked up from tilling the ground before him, he replied, “I would keep tilling this ground.” Tilling the ground was what the Lord had given him to do that day. St. Francis listened and obeyed, even though the task was not monumental. St. Francis spent time listening to his Savior and put every effort into obeying.
What would the world look like if more people spent time in conversation with our Savior? “Oh,” we say, “There’s never enough time for that, is there?” HOGWASH! There’s plenty of time for what really matters! God determines the quantity of our days, and He has given us the gift of determining the quality of our days. If someone were to ask me, “What one thing would you do, if you knew you only had one day to live?” I pray that I would have the confidence in my current action to say, “I would keep doing exactly what I am doing right now, until God tells me to do something different.” Every moment, every action matters to God. YOU matter to God! He desires for you to wake up every morning listening for His unfailing love, and seeking His guidance because you have given yourself FULLY to Him.
I pray that nothing holds you back from giving yourself to Him today. Listen for His voice. Make time for what really matters – the choice is up to you.
Stephanie Greenwald, Director of Worship