December 29, 2021

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” – 1 John 4:11

Even when the bright lights and cheerful music of the holiday season are in full display, there are often tragic events that seem to dim the brightness of the days. That is exactly what happened on December 11 when tornados, shrouded in darkness, ripped through Mayfield, Kentucky and several other communities across the United States. These natural disasters destroyed property, injured many, and sadly took the lives of 93 people.

The world was stunned as it saw pictures of the destruction. When the sun rose the next day, it was clear to see that the community was beyond devastated. It will take years and years to clean up and rebuild.  The pictures and stories coming from Mayfield were overwhelming.

Jim Finch saw these photos and decided he had to do something to help. He decided he could do something to help. Jim, who only lived about 30 minutes away from Mayfield, loaded his grill and all the food he could fit into his truck. He drove to Mayfield and setup in the middle of the hardest hit area.  He started cooking and giving away food to whoever needed to eat. It was a small picture of kindness in the middle an awful scene.

Jim Finch reminds us that one act of kindness can shine the light of love and hope into the darkest moments. When people are in need we can help, and we should help. No one person can put Mayfield back together. It will take many people offering their time and gifts to rebuild that community. Jim Finch and his kindness simply shined a light in the darkness and helped others to see the way to love their neighbors, no exceptions.

We all have the ability to shine the light of God’s love into the darkness. Cooking food is a wonderful way to start. When we show up for our neighbors and offer our time and our gifts, we can help to bring hope to the darkest moments.

Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship