April 23, 2016

“Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” –Psalm 115:105

This year my family has begun a new adventure. My daughter, Mary Beth, has begun to play tee ball. In preparation for joining her team, The Pink Ladies, we purchased the equipment, played catch in the yard and practiced hitting the ball off the tee.  Her mom and I did our best to prepare her for her first time playing this great sport.

The team gathered for practice. (I must admit I truly admire our coaches; keeping 15 5 and 6 year-olds’ attention is a challenge, to say the least.)  They practiced hitting, catching, throwing, and the coaches helped them find their positions in the field.  In just a few short weeks the Pink Ladies were becoming a team.

The first scrimmage came just a few practices into the season. The Pink Ladies arrived, ready to play. Mary Beth stepped up to the plate for her first ever at-bat. She hit the ball well, ran and was safe at first. All of this took place to great cheers from her mom and dad. The next batter stepped up and hit the ball well. Mary Beth left first, rounded second and made it safely to third base.  She was greeted by a hi-five from her coach who told her, “Get ready to run.” She looked up at her coach, smiled, and said, “OK, where do I run from here?” I could not believe my ears; all that practice and we forgot to teach her the main point of the game.  She was unaware of her final destination and how to score for her team.

The good news is that her coach was right beside her. He told her what to do next and pointed her towards her destination. I am happy to say she made it safely home. This reminds me of the joy we have because God is with us as we journey through life. As we run from one event to the next, as we move from one part of life to the next, God is with us and offers us guidance and direction for how to live our lives. As we grow in our faith, and encounter God through His word, we find God’s plan for our lives and the course for our next adventure. If we are intentional about growing in our faith we will find Him leading us safely home.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor