January 25, 2021

“…Love is kind…” – 1 Corinthians 13:4

Kindness can change the world. When we seek to help others, by putting their needs above our own wants and desires, we can reshape another person’s life. Kindness is powerful. Kindness is creative. Kindness gives life.

Dwayne Johnson is one of the biggest movie stars in the world. His life’s career achievements are nothing short of amazing. Sadly, Dwayne’s life did not start out that well. At an early age, Dwayne’s family fell on hard times; he and his mother were evicted from their home in Hawaii. He was sent to live with his dad in Tennessee, but that fell through. When Bruno Lauer heard that a teenage boy was going to be homeless, he took Dwayne into his small apartment. He gave him a home and stability. It allowed Dwayne to see his potential on the football field. Later, after his brief football career was over, Dwayne was looking to start a new career. With only seven dollars to his name, Dwayne turned back to Bruno Lauer, who once again offered him a home.

Bruno Lauer’s kindness helped Dwayne Johnson to become a college football player, a professional wrestler, and now one of the highest-paid actors in the world. “The Rock,” as Dwayne Johnson is now known, was once a young man whose life was on shaky ground. Homeless and broke, Bruno Lauer gave him a home and hope.

Recently, Dwayne Johnson connected with his old friend. The Rock wanted to express his gratitude for all that Bruno had done. When they connected, the Rock gave Bruno a brand-new Ford F150 truck. This was an expression of gratitude for the life that Bruno helped to create. When he handed Bruno the keys he said, “I love you, brother. Your kindness and heart helped to change my life’s trajectory.”

There is nothing like kindness to change the world. Each of us have the ability to change a person’s life and transform the world. We simply must be willing to be kind. We are called to love one another. “Love is kind.” How will you love your neighbor today? Remember, you never know how you will reshape someone’s future, simply by being kind.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship