“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” -Proverbs 3:3
My full-time work in the church began in youth ministry. Youth ministry is an amazing and challenging ministry that I deeply enjoyed. One part of that ministry that I loved was the many trips our group took together. Camps, retreats, and mission trips were just a small part of the adventures we often embarked upon.
One late night, after returning from a great youth trip, I parked the church van, ensured each student had left for home and made my way to my car. Although the trip had been exciting, I was ready to be home. During the youth trip that day, I did my best to hide the fact that I was sick. The only thing I wanted to do was get home and go to bed. I was exhausted. I had used every bit of my energy to make it through our trip successfully.
Although we had a great day during the trip, it seemed like my night was not going to go well. When I got to my car, I found that my tire was flat. Exhausted, fever-ridden, and too tired to want to change the tire. I opened the trunk and started to remove the spare.
Just a few minutes into changing my tire, two young men, who were at the gas station next door came walking over to me and offered to help me change the tire. With their help, we were done in just a few minutes. I shook their hands, expressed my gratitude, and left for home to rest and recover.
I admit that I am not one who likes to ask for help. I know people are busy, and I don’t want to burden others, but the assistance those two offered me was a welcomed kindness. They had no idea how much of a blessing their work was for me.
Each day, we are presented with opportunities to share kindness. Offering just a few minutes out of our day to help another person may bless a person who is sick, exhausted, and needs just a little help. It doesn’t take much to be a big help. Our faith encourages us to look around and see who needs kindness. With God’s help and a willingness to be kind, we can make a difference today.
Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship