December 1, 2020

One of the Advent traditions we celebrate in preparation for Christmas is the Advent wreath and lighting of the Advent candles.  Each week a new candle is lit, and we remember that each of these candles represents one of the promises of God that we highlight and hold on to during this season.  These themes of Advent speak truth, encouragement, and strength for our lives.  Hope.  Peace.  Joy.  Love.  These words identify many of the promises of God that came to be in such a real way through the arrival of Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago.  We need to hold on to these promises just as much this year as any other year.

It’s both a tragic and unfulfilling place to be without hope, without peace, without joy, or without love.  But maybe you’ve been there and had seasons, experiences, or relationships where any of these have been lacking.  If you’ve experienced life with hope and without hope, or with joy and without joy, then you know the true gift that these promises carry and the difference in your life to experience them more fully than not.  You may also have a loved one or friend who is struggling and searching for peace or love.  These promises are both a message for us to receive from God and a message to share to a hurting world around us.

And that’s just the message that God sent in that first Christmas gift – His precious Son.  Jesus was the awaited Messiah that the people of God were hoping for, the One who showed us true peace and joy by believing in Him, especially for those who have been left out and left behind, and ultimately the Greatest Sacrifice of love that the world would ever know.  Jesus is the Light of the world, coming into a world of darkness and leading us into fully experiencing all of the great promises of God.  Jesus continues to enter our lives of darkness that are without hope, without peace, without joy, and without love.  Jesus brings light, and as we focus on Him, we can once again begin to see hope, find peace, experience joy, and know the love of God in our lives.

This Christmas season, light a candle, maybe in a darkened room, and reflect on these amazing promises of hope, peace, joy, and love.  Focus on the light rather than the darkness.  Truly take hold of these promises in your life, believing that this is true and real for you today and always.  And live fully by sharing love, radiating joy, creating peace, and bringing hope to the world.  And remember that this can only be done by keeping your focus on the Light, Jesus Christ: our Lord, Savior, Redeemer, and Friend.

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministry