March 10, 2022

When I reflect on God’s grace, often defined as God’s unmerited, unconditional love for us, I am drawn to one of Methodism’s core beliefs: prevenient grace.  Prevenient grace, as we understand it, is God’s grace at work in our lives before we are even aware.  I have experienced that grace so many times in life.

Often, the experience of God’s grace comes to us through others, usually through a person who embodies God’s love. Mrs. Leggitt was that person for me. I first met Mrs. Leggitt as a very young child. For some reason unknown to me, something or someone led me to attend a small Baptist church right around the corner from my grandmother’s house where I lived for a while. I recall the first Sunday when I entered the sanctuary and chose to sit on the fourth pew from the front on the left. Before the service began, a lady asked if she could sit with me since I was by myself. At some point during the service, she put her arms around me, and I snuggled up next to her. I remember the smell of her soft powdery perfume, and her welcoming presence.

After the service, she asked if I would like to attend her Sunday School class.  She taught the first grade Sunday School. Now, I didn’t know what Sunday School was, but I sure liked Mrs. Leggitt. Every Sunday after that, I attended Sunday School and worship. Mrs. Leggitt would be waiting for me at the top of the stairs of that church with arms wide open to greet me. And every time she hugged me, I wondered if God smelled like soft powdery perfume. She was the first person to introduce me to Jesus and His saving grace. Oh, I learned about Jesus in Sunday School, which provided a rich foundation for my life, but I experienced Jesus through Mrs. Leggitt. She truly embodied God’s love. It was a love that she gave away freely, and I was blessed to be a recipient of that love as a child. She made sure that I had enough to eat, clothes to wear, and a safe place to be. She was the kind of person who, when you were around her, helped you feel closer to God. You wanted to be a better person. You wanted to love others the way she loved you.

Her favorite scripture was Matthew 19:14 where Jesus told the disciples: “Let the little children come to me, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Mrs. Leggitt lived that scripture, and because she did, I along with many other children came to know the saving grace of Jesus. Thank you, Mrs. Leggitt, for being Jesus in my life.

When did you first come to know the saving grace of God? Who was the person who showed you God’s love in tangible ways?

Rev. Linda Harker, Online Campus Pastor