September 15, 2017

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” – 2 Corinthians 9:8

Jake Olson has become one of the most popular sports figures this college season. Jake has only played one play this entire season, but it was a remarkable play. Jake Olson is blind, but that has not stopped him from achieving his dream of playing football for the University of Southern California Trojans. On Saturday, September 2, Jake Olson made history when he made a perfect snap to help the USC Trojans complete an extra point and move to a victory over Western Michigan University.

The courage, hard work and determination of Jake Olson is a positive example for all us. He did not allow his handicap to limit his dreams.

There were many others who helped Jake Olson’s dream come true. Before Jake took the field to complete his perfect snap there was a behind-the-scenes conspiracy that took place to help Jake realize his hope of playing football at the highest college level. It all started with the USC head coach Clay Helton who reached out to P.J. Fleck, the head coach of Western Michigan. They discussed the possibility of Jake coming into the game at some point.

Football is a violent sport. Allowing someone to enter the game that is not completely capable of taking care of themselves would be dangerous, to say the least. The two coaches worked out a signal to know when Olson was going to enter the game. When USC moved ahead by three touchdowns the two coaches exchanged their signals. The coaches also had to make sure that the referees were aware of what was about to take place. Jake entered the game and completed his perfect snap and a successful extra point.

It took great courage for Jake Olson to make history that day. It also took two caring coaches who were determined to see a young man reach his full potential.

Like Jake Olson, each of us must have courage, work hard and never give up on following our dreams. This is how we experience the fullness of life that God has intended for each of us. Along with perusing our own dreams, God calls us to help others realize their full potential. When we have the opportunity and the resources, we should do all in our power to make it possible for others to enter the field of play and experience the joy of seeing their dreams come true.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor