Working the late-night shift at any job is difficult. But when a gas station attendant got terribly sick while on the job in the early hours of the morning, it was an awful experience. Sensing that their health was getting worse, the Alto, Michigan gas station employee called his boss and asked them to call in a replacement. Not long after that, the employee was forced to call 911.
When the fire department arrived, they found the employee in desperate need. They loaded him onto the stretcher and took him to the ambulance. Unfortunately, even though the fire fighters and paramedics were busy caring for the sick employee, other customers kept streaming into the store.
Since another employee had not yet shown up, the firefighters did the only thing they could. It was not what they were trained to do, but it was the right thing to do. They jumped behind the counter and began to ring up customers. They managed the store until another employee arrived.
The firefighters told the local news, “We felt bad and we knew we could help out.” That is just what neighbors do. When there is a need, and we can help, we give our time and our talent to meet that need. The firefighters demonstrated great kindness and went beyond their duty to help a neighbor in need. It is a great reminder to us today that we are called to love and care for our neighbors, no exceptions.
– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship