March 30, 2020

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. – Psalm 27:14

What keeps you from sticking with a plan?  For me, moments of weakness creep in and ruin the plan I set out.  I’m too stressed and I break my diet, or I choose to sleep late instead of getting up early for a workout.

I remember the first time I started running regularly.  I was pretty overweight and it was very hard on me.  A friend decided to start running with me right after school, and it became a wonderful thing I looked forward to.  On the runs we would talk, and if we were out of breath, we did not talk!

Sometimes I ran by myself, and in the moments of silence, when my legs and sides were burning and I didn’t think I could go any further, I would hear a voice that said, “You can do this.  Keep going.  Next time it will be easier.  Just go a little farther this time.” It was a voice of encouragement that I didn’t know was inside me.  My muscles were screaming with pain, but my mind was clear and focused.  I was compelled by some strength that rose from within.

Christ asks us to be strong, to be patient, to be still.  Restraint and discipline require a different kind of strength.  When we still ourselves, it is in the quiet that we find the voice of God.  He will help carry us through moments of weakness.  He will give us the courage to reset our minds; to strengthen us and overcome the hurdles in our lives.

Logan Fish, Edmond Campus Director of Hospitality