August 27, 2019

“So, we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. “- 2 Thessalonians 1:11

 Growing up I heard I am not worthy, or not good enough…a lot. I especially received this message from the church I grew up attending. We were taught that we were not good enough to read the Bible, because we would never understand it, and we were not worthy of being loved by God. Thankfully, now I know that all the negative messages from my past are not true!

When God first led me to the St. Luke’s Asbury Campus, my life was changed, and so was my relationship with God. From the moment I walked into the Sanctuary I could feel the presence of God, I could feel His love surrounding me. The congregation welcomed me with the love and accepted me just as I was at that time. I felt like a whole new world had been opened just for me. As time went by, I learned that the negative messages of my past were lies. I learned about God’s love, grace, and mercy. I learned that I could read the Bible and study the words and I could understand them. I have even learned that I can lead a Bible study and help others to understand God’s words.

The more time I spend with God, in worship, and in His word, the more I have come to know Him. What seemed like an impossible relationship in the past, is now the most important relationship. I now feel God with me always, and I see Him in the world around me. I have come to learn that I am worthy of God’s love, and I am worthy to do what God has called me to do. I know whatever God is calling me to do, is possible through prayer and faith that God will equip me for the task. He will take me through an orientation process, giving me the necessary tools to do my best.

Lee Ann Simpson, Administrative Assistant, Asbury Campus