March 18, 2022

Let all that you do be done in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:14

In my life, I have had several positions in childcare, both in the classroom as a teacher and in the office as a manager. As I was growing and learning, my biggest fear was failing. While working for a corporate childcare center, failing was not an option if you wanted to remain employed.

In 2005, I was given the opportunity to be the Director of St. Luke’s Children’s Center. The interview process was intense, and I was sure I did not do well. I obviously did better than I thought because I was hired as the director.

In July of 2006, Phil Greenwald became my direct supervisor. He has been a great influence in my life. He is such a Godly man, and spreads God’s word in everything he does. He has taught me how much God is in our everyday lives: how God guides us when we pray for wisdom and guidance. He is always there as I manage day to day operations at the four childcare centers, and the many staff that work at each location.

Phil also performed my wedding to Jeff in 2008. This was such a special moment, and another way Phil has been able to bring God into our lives. He is not only my supervisor, but friend and pastor. I know that if I, or anyone in my family has a problem, he is there to pray with me and guide us. His family has played such an integral part in my family’s life, and we had both his children in our Childcare Center.

As part of the staff values, Dr. Long encourages us to start each day with a devotional. Doing this starts my day with the Lord. This always sets the tone for my day. I notice if I am rushed and do not have time to pray and do my daily devotion, something about my day is just not right.

This past year, Phil interviewed me for his Wednesday Night Alive class, Behind the Scenes. I remember one of the questions he asked me was, “How has working at St. Luke’s brought you closer to God?” The answer is that his daily conversations with me and the power of prayer and being surrounded by God’s word has brought me closer to God.

I know that my leadership of the Childcare Center could not be as successful as it is without God in my daily life. I no longer fear failure. I am not afraid to try new things and if they don’t work, I will try something else until I succeed. It is a process and I know that God is with me.

Gabrielle Moon, Executive Director, St. Luke’s Children’s Center