December 19, 2018

Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. – Romans 12:13
In the Gospel of Luke, we read the story of Joseph and Mary making their journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be registered. While they were there, the time came for Mary to deliver her child. Although there was no room in the inn, they were not turned away.
We know showing hospitality should be a part of our everyday lives, not to be saved for special occasions or holidays. However, with our busy lives and long to-do lists, we often find it difficult to put the needs of others ahead of our own. We are tempted to wait until a more convenient time, until the house is clean, or we have crossed more things off our lists. The Innkeeper found a modest, but private place for Joseph and Mary. It was not the ideal setting, yet it was perfect in every way, for by making room for them, he also made room for the Christ Child!
Our family of faith extended hospitality in countless ways at the time of the Oklahoma City Bombing on April 19, 1995. It was heartbreaking for all of us to watch the events of the day unfold. St. Luke’s became a Red Cross Shelter, and our lives were forever changed during those days. People from businesses and restaurants began to show up with freezers and food to help us feed hundreds of people each day. Suddenly our Christian Life Center became “home” to several hundred people displaced from their homes by the bombing. Volunteers poured through the doors, ready to do anything that was needed. There were teams of people manning phones and directing calls, sitting with families and praying with them as they awaited word about their loved ones, organizing clothing and toiletry donations, preparing and serving meals, and delivering meals to rescue workers and volunteers at the site of the destruction. For our members and staff, there was never a question of convenience for us, but rather an act of love for those who had such great need. In the midst of all of the pain, it was our spirit of hospitality and love that enabled us to be the hands and feet of Christ at that moment in time.
God help us to make room in our hearts to share the love of Christ during this season of Advent. Please help us remember that the circumstances do not have to be ideal, the time does not have to be perfect, and that sometimes in those moments we are able to share the richest of blessings and the greatest of gifts with others. – Amen.
Marsha Long, Director of Hospitality Ministry