May 2, 2022

It is spring and baseball is being played all over the country. In Arlington, Texas, my favorite team, the Texas Rangers, have had better teams in the past, for sure.  This season, they have a young team with possibilities. One of the pitchers on the Rangers is Taylor Hearn. Taylor has been a starting pitcher in the Major Leagues for four years after playing at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Taylor has worked through many injuries and continues to develop as a starting pitcher.

Recently, Taylor made the national news. It was not because of his performance on the mound, but because of an answer he gave in a post-game press conference. Robyn Hearn is a sports reporter for KAUZ in Wichita Falls, Texas. She traveled to Arlington to the Rangers’ game against the Colorado Rockies. Robyn is a new reporter. She is also the sister of Taylor Hearn. Robyn’s interview questions were just normal questions until she began to interview her brother. When Robyn asked Taylor a question, she said, “Was there somebody in the stands, or in the press box, you were kind of itching to do well for, because their joy is on the line depending on what you say today?”

That exchange between Taylor and Robyn began as a playful Q & A between a brother and sister. Soon. Taylor used the opportunity to show the world and important aspect of love. At the end of his answers, he said, “But, honestly, to have a very supportive sister like you means a lot. You sacrificed a lot just for me and I honestly can’t thank you enough. You went without a lot, just for me to get to this situation and I don’t think you really know, despite the results, I didn’t really care if I won the game or we lost.  I was just happier to see that you were here.”

Taylor’s demonstration of love for his sister was a blessing. During a normal press conference, Taylor expressed gratitude for his sister. He made it clear why he was thankful. He expressed his appreciation for her sacrifice and let the world know that he was a Major League pitcher, in part, because of his sister. It was an interview that made everyone smile.

Gratitude is an important part of our faith. We have not become who we are by ourselves. We have much to be thankful for and when we have an opportunity, we should express our gratitude for all that we are, and all that we have. Our gratitude is first directed towards God and then to the people who have been a blessing to us. Gratitude helps us keep a proper perspective on life.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship