March 15, 2022

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. – James 1:17

This spring, I taught a Wednesday Night Alive class on the book of James. The very first night of the class was held by Zoom due to a snowstorm. I was blessed to connect with members of our family of faith while we watched the snow outside our windows. Shortly after the class, my daughters joined me in our home office, where we enjoyed the snow falling gently upon our neighborhood. One of them made the comment, “It seems so much brighter outside at night when the snow is on the ground!”

Having just read and taught from James 1, I pondered verse 17 which talks about the “good and perfect gift” coming “down from the Father of the heavenly lights” and could not help but think that God was demonstrating his grace right in my own front yard!  At St. Luke’s, we call these “grace moments” – times in our lives when God speaks to us, intervenes on our behalf, and reveals Himself to us in a meaningful way.  For me, the sight of snow reminded me of Psalm 51:7 (…wash me and I will be whiter than snow) which correlates to the perfecting grace of God, which leads us into a deeper relationship with God.  The “heavenly lights” reminded me that Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12) and comes to bring light to the dark places in our world (John 1:5).  And even as I watched the “shifting shadows” across the snowdrifts, I could not help but give thanks for the unchanging nature of God – His rich love for us – which does not falter in the midst of the storms of our lives.

I’m continually amazed as I read the Scripture how God breathes new life into me when I open His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the depth of God’s love in the middle of the circumstances of life.  My prayer for you during this season of Lent is that you will read, search, and study the Scriptures while asking God to open your eyes and ears to see and hear how God’s good and perfect gifts are available to you every single day.  The gift of God’s grace is real, His presence surrounds us, and His goodness brings light and joy to our lives.

Rev. Phil Greenwald, Executive Pastor of Administration