July 8, 2021

Derek Redmond is a famous Olympic-class runner. You may not know his name simply because he never won an Olympic medal. Although he was an amazing runner who set the British 400-meter record at only 19 years of age, and won the World Championship in the 4×400 relay, he never had the opportunity to stand on the winner’s platform at the Olympics.  Although Derek is not celebrated as an Olympic champion, he is widely considered an amazing example of determination and courage.

In 1988, Derek was a member of the British team at the summer games in Seoul. He was just moments away from running when he injured his Achilles tendon. He was forced to withdraw from the Games. Years of hard work and dreams vanished in a moment, all because he was injured.  This was devastating, but it did not deter Derek from pursuing his dream. He rehabbed and began training so that he could once again go through the process to become an Olympic runner. His hard work paid off and in 1992, he was selected to represent Great Britain in the Barcelona games.

Derek took his place at the starting blocks.  His dream of winning an Olympic medal was just a few hundred yards in front of him. He set his feet, placed his hands on the ground, took a huge breath and prepared for the starting gun to fire. The gun fired and the runners rose from the blocks. Just over 100 meters into the race Derek tore his hamstring. It was over. He was not going to win. The gold, silver, and bronze were now out of his reach.

Derek collapsed on the track in pain. His leg was in pain, and his heart was broken. All those years of practice and training and he had not even finished one Olympic race. Derek refused to let that be the end of things. He rose to his feet and began to limp towards the finish line. He was in obvious pain, but he was determined to at least finish the race.

It was not long into Derek’s crippled run down the track when a man broke past the security at the edge of the track and began to run towards Derek. It was his father, Jim. He took his son by the hand and told him, “You don’t have to do this.” Derek immediately replied through his tears, “Yes, I do!” Derek’s father told him, “Then we will finish this together.” What followed was one of the most amazing moments in Olympic history. For almost 120 meters, Derek leaned on his father until just before the finish line when Jim stepped away to allow his son to finish the race and realize his dream in front of almost 65,000 people who were now standing and cheering for Derek.

The courage and love that was shown that day in Barcelona is a tremendous testament to the character of Derek and Jim. That day, they showed the entire world that with the determination to not quit, and the love of a father, completing the race was still possible.  Is this not who we are as Christians? This race we call “life” certainly does not always go as we dream, but if we will resolve to not quit and trust that our Heavenly Father is running with us, especially in the most difficult times of life, we too will stay in the race and make it to the finish line to be a winner in so many ways.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship