When I was about ten years old, I was galloping on my pony, Midnight, with little brother, Ralph, riding behind me and holding on tight. Midnight tended to be ornery, and this day was no different! He must’ve seen something out of the corner of his eye, because all of a sudden, he bolted in the opposite direction. Ralph and I went flying off and landed firmly in the dirt! Only our pride was damaged. Several family members saw the entire episode, and realizing we weren’t injured, enjoyed a good laugh. They often reminded us about years past the incident.
I loved Midnight! I think it’s because I could relate to his personality. Just like him, there was a time when I went a different direction. I grew up in a Christian home, was showered with unconditional love, and went to church every Sunday. But there was a period of time that I didn’t give God first place in my life. I wasn’t reading my Bible or praying. I stopped using my gifts and talents for God, and I wasn’t attending church. In fact, I didn’t want to hear from God. It took a few miserable years for me to figure out that my ONE THING was not that which I had been giving my attention. When I began pursuing God again, things started to change.
One day, I fervently asked God to give me a passion for His Word. I’d never really enjoyed reading the Bible, and found it confusing and boring! When I asked God to give me a desire for His Word, my life changed drastically. It seemed that I couldn’t read my Bible enough. I was finding truth and beauty that I’d never realized existed. Proverbs 3:13 & 14 tell us, “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.” What a joyous time it was for me as I studied the scripture and reestablished my lost relationship with God! I started making Him THE ONE THING in my life, and it’s the best decision I ever made.
What is your ONE THING now? Have you been reading your Bible? Ask God to give you a passion for it! Take some advice from someone who has experienced many bumps and bruises along the way; make your relationship with God THE ONE THING, and see what a difference it will make in your life.
Susan Easttom, Director of Children’s Ministries