April 28, 2020

“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” -Matthew 6:34

This is a verse that comes to mind often during the Shelter in Place order. I’m sure it speaks to many parents who are trying to work full-time from the office or at home, keep up on the schoolwork with children, and make sure they’re not rotting their brains with technology.  We’re all trying to keep food in the house, because apparently when you’re told to stay home you become 10 times hungrier with each day that passes.  We’re trying to find time to play outside and exercise, we’re planning future events, but not knowing what the future holds, and the list goes on and on. During this time, it is easy to feel fear and worry; but in the Bible, it tells us NOT to worry about tomorrow! Sounds easy, right?

God gave us the gift of His Word, the Bible, to learn and understand His teachings.  But God also knows that we’re not perfect and we do fear, worry, and stress! He loves us so much that not only did He write about worry and fear in the Bible, but He sent the Holy Spirit to fill us, so there is no room for fear! When we rely on the Holy Spirit to fill us and carry us from day to day, we have no room for worry.

Each day that I read my Bible and seek Him, I feel the worry and stress start to melt.  When I’m worshiping in my car to music on the radio, when I see Him working through those around me, when I get to join thousands of other followers on Sunday morning in worship – even if it is virtually – I can feel the Holy Spirit working in and around me. I can see God’s presence here on earth and I know that worrying about tomorrow will do me no good. God’s Spirit gives me strength to be present in my day. As Christians, we can trust in God for what tomorrow will bring and know that He will equip us with everything we need to face it head on.

He will never leave me, and in that I find my peace.

– Taylor Easttom, Edmond Campus Director of Children’s Ministry