January 31, 2017

Music that Changed the World Devotional

“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 NIV

I know it’s been said that everything we ever needed to know, we learned in kindergarten; but I think everything I ever needed to know, I learned in music class.


  1. Sometimes you’ll be really high and sometimes you’ll be really low, but you’ll

mostly stay in the middle.

  1. Repeat what’s good
  2. Rest
  3. Be loud
  4. Be quiet
  5. Slow down when you need to slow down and speed up when you need to speed


  1. Listen
  2. Perform from your heart
  3. Do your part and do it well
  4. Don’t take someone else’s part
  5. Share your song with others
  6. Don’t cut off before you’re supposed to
  7. Dance to the music
  8. Don’t be afraid to try a new instrument
  9. Give honest critiques
  10. Practice
  11. It sounds better when we all work together
  12. Take deep breaths
  13. Don’t skip the exercises
  14. Finish the song

God gave us the gift of music, not just for our pleasure, but to teach us about His nature. Music spans time and culture and gives flight to dreams. It expresses thoughts and feelings and communicates beyond words. It is a gift from the Creator, Who uses every from of communication to reach us. I pray that you will listen for Him in a new way today, to hear the song that He sings over you.

Stephanie Greenwald, Director of Worship