November 6, 2020

November 6, 2020 – Daily Devotional

There are several significantly large things in our world that seem to be out of our control. The global pandemic and national elections are just a few of the things that dominate the nightly news and are the talk around every water cooler. These large things seem so much out of our control and yet they generate a great amount of stress for us. However, there are things around us that we can help with that just bring joy to us and blessings to others.

Recently, two wonderful firefighters demonstrated the blessing a simple sandwich can be. These two brave men, who are used to running into burning buildings, recently responded to a call of an elderly man who fell in his kitchen. When they arrived and began to help they realized they reason for the fall. The elderly man was trying to cook himself some breakfast but had no one to help.

While one firefighter cared for the man who had fallen, the other began to work in the kitchen. After learning that the elderly man’s favorite breakfast was an egg sandwich, the firefighter began to cook up a great meal, including an egg sandwich. They served his breakfast to him on a TV tray in his comfortable chair. Later, they cleaned the kitchen, including all the dishes.

There are many things around us that we cannot control. That can be stressful. However, we can offer small acts of kindness in the midst of big challenges. There as so many ways to help our neighbors. We can make an egg sandwich and clean some dishes. If cooking is not your thing, you can help to pick up limbs after an ice storm, bring a meal from their favorite restaurant, write a card or simply make a phone call to let them know you are thinking about them. It is simple acts of kindness that bless our daily lives. When we focus on the good we can do for our neighbors we will realize that we do have the ability to change the lives of those around us and bring peace and joy to ourselves.


-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship