April 27, 2018

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” –Ephesians 2:10

As an infant when my son refused to sleep, we found he couldn’t resist the sounds of techno music and would drift off to sleep to the beat in a matter of seconds. Before he could walk, he inched his way into the kitchen, dragging stainless steel mixing bowls out of the cabinet to assemble a makeshift drum set. My husband and I both love music, but neither of us ever learned to play an instrument, so it certainly wasn’t anything we thought to encourage. As time went on, we couldn’t deny his passion for drums.

At age 2, Santa left a kid’s drum set under the Christmas tree. By age 3, he was begging to join a band.

Me: “You can’t join a band until you actually learn to play a song, honey.”
Him: “Ok, when can I learn to play a song?”
Me: “Well, you will need to take lessons.”
Him: “Ok, when can I take lessons.”

This same conversation repeated for weeks. Finally, after he turned 4 and was still asking about lessons and being in a band, I decided to make a few calls. I learned that private lessons don’t typically start until a child is 7 or 8 and has the attention span to sit through a 30-minute lesson. I knew it would be impossible to keep him waiting another 3 or 4 years, so I pleaded with one studio to just let him try one lesson. The instructor was impressed and agreed to take him on as a student!

He’s still working on the drums, but he has also become interested in the ukulele, guitar, flute and t-ball! As a mom, it brings me great joy to give my son every opportunity to explore new passions.  I can only imagine how much more our Heavenly Father is willing to help us discover our own hidden talents and untapped potential that lies within each of us!

Erica Bollinger, Social Media and Marketing