December 13, 2024

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

This year, I decided to join a running club. Before this, I hadn’t run more than three miles by myself, so the thought of training for a half marathon felt daunting. Each week, our mileage increased, and I found myself getting stronger, both physically and mentally. The real turning point came during our first seven-mile run. As I ran alongside my fellow club members, I felt a revelation: the strength found in numbers is powerful. With each mile, I realized I was capable of much more than I had ever thought possible. The encouragement of those running with me made a significant difference. Their presence pushed me to dig deeper, to keep going even when I felt like slowing down.

This journey has been a beautiful reminder that we are not meant to do life alone. Just like in running, our lives are enriched by the community around us, including our family of faith. God created us for connection – with Him and with each other. We find strength and support in our relationships, reminding us that we are stronger together. Now, I’m up to ten miles, and by the time you read this, I will have accomplished my goal of completing my first half marathon, 13.1 miles! This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without stepping out of my comfort zone to try something new and connect with others. It shows how much we can accomplish through God and the support of our community.

As we prepare our hearts for Advent, let’s reflect on how we can embrace community. Who can we reach out to for support? How can we encourage those around us? By stepping out of our comfort zones and being open to connection, we can discover new strengths and possibilities.

Dear God, thank You for the gift of community and the strength we find in one another. Help us to reach out, support each other, and walk together in faith during this Advent season. May our connections reflect Your love and bring peace to our lives. – Amen

Ashley Carr, Director of Young Adult Ministries