“You make known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” –Psalm 16:11
My Mother was a cautious driver. She did not learn to drive until she was in her late twenties. I never witnessed her exceeding the speed limit. She was a creature of habit. Rarely did she venture from her normal path of driving. She could easily navigate from home to the office, from home to church, or from home to her favorite shopping destinations. She seemed quite content with staying in her small, comfortable range.
When I got my license to drive, I saw it as an opportunity to explore the world beyond where my bike and my parents had previously taken me. My mom and I did not often see eye to eye on this approach. I had an adventurous spirit, and my mom did not.
The first time I asked if I could drive from my hometown in Lawton to Oklahoma City, my Mom said, “No.” She explained why she thought that was a bad idea. She told me how she had driven in Oklahoma City, but the last time she was behind the wheel in OKC she had a small accident. She had never driven in OKC again. Thankfully, my Dad intervened, and I was permitted to drive to the big city.
I am so thankful for the many wonderful and amazing things my mom taught me. However, on this occasion, I am thankful I did not heed her warning. Fear of a potential incident is a terrible reason not to explore the possibilities that are in front of us. I have no doubt that I was extremely careful that day so as not to prove my mother correct.
We are easily tempted to stay within our comfortable areas of life. Striking out on a new adventure can be intimidating. Often, previous events in our lives have negative impacts on our willingness to be adventurous. We should learn from our past only to open our eyes for a better experience the adventure that is found on the road we have yet to travel. When was the last time you left your comfortable routine? God has given us the gift of life. Let us live each day, knowing this gift of life is intended to be abundant and full.
“…I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” -John 10:10
-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship