December 21, 2020

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light! – Ephesians 5:8

Many years ago, I attended a youth conference with several hundred young adults.  During a keynote address in a large conference room, one speaker asked the facility staff to turn out all the lights.  I remember the silence and complete darkness that surrounded us.  Then the speaker turned on a single lightbulb in the center of the room.  At first, the lonely light seemed so dim in a large room full of people.  The speaker then asked everyone to individually move to a place in the room that represented “how close you feel to God in relation to the light.”  Some moved close.  Others moved far away.  In complete silence, we each reflected on our emotions and spiritual connectedness.  It was a powerful moment for me personally and for all who were in attendance.

There are times in life when we feel close to God.  There are times in life when we feel far away from God.  As we draw near to Christmas in 2020, I believe all of us are reflecting on the challenges of the past year.  Through health issues, financial issues, family issues, and cultural issues; we have found times of great frustration, sadness, pain, and discouragement.  We have also experienced times of joy and celebration.  These conflicting emotions can lead us to question, doubt, and meditate on the deeper spiritual issues of life.

I hope and pray that all of us will move closer to the Light of Christ this Christmas.  As we light our candles and holiday lights, I pray that each one of us will be drawn into the presence of God and trust God’s grace in our lives in new ways.  We can find great hope in remembering and celebrating the birth of Jesus our Savior.  We find great comfort in remembering we are not alone.  We experience great joy in sharing the celebration of Christmas with others – even if that is virtual this year.  Together as a family of faith, we live in the sure and certain hope that we are children of Light.  Take a few moments today to reflect on how the Light of Christ draws you into the presence of God.

Rev. Phil Greenwald, Executive Pastor of Administration