November 6, 2018

Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

It is such a blessing to receive phone calls from members of our St. Luke’s family of faith who want to help someone in our community.  Often the conversation goes like this: “I/we have some extra money and would like to help a child or family; do you know a need that we can help to meet?”  My response is always “YES!”  There are many ways to address the practical needs of people in our community through our after-school programs (Studio 222, El Sistema or Rancho Village), our outreach programs such as Mobile Meals, or community partners like Neighborhood Services Organization.  Every gift offered makes a difference in someone’s life.

The Bible tells us that we are doing God’s work when we carry one another’s burdens. There is great joy in helping to ease other’s burdens. It could be that you choose to help provide food, a gift card, or offer to run an errand or visiting and offering a prayer in a family’s home.  When was the last time you paused in the midst of your busy day to ask, “Who do I know that is carrying a burden today?” and “How can I offer to help?”

Sometimes the greatest gift of all is simply being present.  Other times we need to do something tangible.  Most of all, we can make a difference when we look beyond our own needs to see the needs of others.  There is incredible happiness and joy that comes from lifting a burden for another person.

This week, I hope you will prayerfully ask God to lead you to a person or situation where you can share God’s love through your words and actions.  When you do, you will find out that “What you do matters!”

Prayer: Dear God, open my eyes and ears and heart to see the needs of the people around me today.

Rev. Phil Greenwald, Executive Pastor of Administration