August 28, 2023

“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” – Romans 12:13
School has started and Bobbie Wright is on the job helping the children of Fairview Park, Ohio safely walk to and from school. Bobbie is a crossing guard, employed by the Fairview Park Department of Public Safety. She is also a reserve deputy, among other duties. Bobbie takes her job seriously. She has helped generations cross the busy streets. This past week, Bobbie started her 50th year as crossing guard.
It is impossible to count the number of cars that Bobbie has stopped. There is no way to know just how many children have successfully crossed the street because Bobbie was there to help. She now guides the children of the children she first cared for. Bobbie Wright is a blessing to her community.
There is no greater calling than to care for the people around us. Bobbie Wright dedicated her life to guiding the smallest and most vulnerable in her community. She has been far more than a crossing guard. She has been a shepherd who guided little ones to safety. Along the way Bobbie provided a bright smile, a warm welcome, and a caring heart to all the students who crossed her path.
As a people of faith, we are called to care for one another. Like God, who shepherds us and leads us to places of rest and peace, (Psalm 23) we too are called to provide hospitality for those around us. We are to love and care for one another. Bobbie Wright has dedicated her life to caring for the children of Fairview Park. Her story is a reminder that we are called to care for the people around us. We are called to, “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” (Romans 12:13)
– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship