September 7, 2017

What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail?

What haven’t you tried because you were certain you would?

Fear is as formidable as it is paralyzing. It is the silver medalist for the most powerful emotion in my life, second only to love. And even then, sometimes love suffers at the hand of fear. My father told me recently, “Any brick wall you face in life is of your own construction.”

For several days, I tried to discern what that meant. I was cutting myself off? I hadn’t invested in self-improvement enough to get to the next level? I had alienated people in my life such that they wanted to block my progression? These may have been viable options, but I knew there was a deeper level to his analogy. He meant fear.

I thought about how many times I knew what was on the other side of that proverbial brick wall: a realized goal, a new adventure, a deepened relationship with a loved one… and I thought about how many times I had blamed others for blocking the way. It was fear. I was scared to take the next step.

“Any brick wall you face in life is of your own construction.” He continued, “So the good news is: if you built it, then you know how to tear it down.”

What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail? What is on the other side of your brick wall and how can God help you to tear it down, one brick at a time? I believe that it is when we are willing to acknowledge our fear, respect it, and put it where it belongs, that we are truly Daring Greatly.

Beth Armstrong, Director of Welcoming Ministry