March 2, 2020

Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents in sending calamity. – Joel 2:13

As we approach Lent this year, I’m thinking of what I can give up that not only affects me, but those around me.  Could we give up being quick to anger?  Instead, we can choose love, understanding, and forgiveness.  How different would our morning commute be if we chose to not let that one driver get under our skin, but rather let them go on by, or let them merge more easily?  I know, it is hard to do, but it may change their morning too.  Maybe it will cause them to reflect on their behavior?  And if not, you tried to be kind, and you didn’t let them get you bent out of shape.

Once we get to our first morning destination, we can look around and see who needs help.  Sure, you need to get to your business, but take a look around and see who is struggling this morning.

Also, listen to yourself and pay attention to what comes out of your mouth.  Are we constantly criticizing others?  Are we sending out personal frustration towards others?  Are we sending “calamity?”  Be more like our loving Lord.  Listen to the world around you.  Be abounding in love, and slow to anger.

Logan Fish, Edmond Campus Director of Hospitality