June 24, 2021

When I was small and my parents were going on a weekend trip, they asked if there was anything I wanted them to bring back; I told them I’d like to have two purses!  A purse can complement an outfit, as well as serve a practical use.  I love to carry a purse until it becomes too heavy!  A backpack full of books, a purse that weighs 25 lbs., a suitcase loaded with belongings; all are things I’ve carried at one time or another.  Those are also things that I can easily unpack and put away!

Unfortunately, there’s another kind of weight I’ve carried before that isn’t as easily emptied, and that’s the weight of worry.  My “bag of worry” can quickly become heavy with concerns; kids, grandkids, health issues, problems of friends and family, things I’ve seen on the news.  Lots of things can be added to this bag, and before I realize it, it’s so heavy I can barely lift it!  I’m pretty much useless to myself or anyone else if I allow this bag to fill up.  Experts say that meditation, medications, yoga, and other things are the answer.  While each of those things have their benefits, the Bible clearly tells us that the true answer to worry can be found by trusting in God.

Jesus addressed this many times.  In His Sermon on the Mount, as documented in Matthew 6:31-34, he said: “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

To keep my “bag of worry” empty, I must make a daily conscious decision to keep it that way!  Having recently married, my husband and I find ourselves with two homes, one in Norman and one in Oklahoma City.  Our goal is to sell both homes and buy “our home”.  Many pieces must fall into place for this to happen.  Right now, the housing market is great, so selling them isn’t the issue.  Buying a home, however, may be tricky.  We keep reminding ourselves, “God has the perfect house for us, and when we’ve sold both houses, we’ll find the right one!”

What’s in your “bag of worry”?  Set it down, empty it out, and fill it up with God’s promises!

– Susan Easttom, Director of Family Ministry