March 6, 2017

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. – Hebrews 13:2

I had a fraternity brother in college who, to me, was the epitome of a true Christian. He always had uplifting things to say, always went out of his way to make people’s lives better, was always quick to pray with anyone in need. He was someone I always looked up to. It is at this point that I ought to let you know that my friend had an obsession. He was obsessed with Air Jordans. And by obsessed, I mean he collected them. He had more pairs of Air Jordans than I had pairs of shoes. They all were very important to him. He even organized them in his closet by color and preference.
I’ll never forget the time we were in a group and headed to a ballgame. Outside the ballgame was a man that was begging for anything that anyone would give. This man was obviously down on his luck and in desperate need. Most of our group walked by like the man didn’t even exist, but not my friend. He not only spoke to the man in need, he sat down on the ground beside him and began to have conversation with him. I let the group move on, because I wasn’t about to miss this opportunity. As the conversation progressed, my friend noticed that the man didn’t have any shoes. Without missing a beat, my friend reached down and began to unlace his shoes. His precious, favorite pair of Jordans. He gave them to the man. He then lifted the man up, bought him a ticket to the game, and bought him dinner inside the ballpark.
On the way home, I asked my friend, “Why?”  He simply said everyone wants to feel loved and cared for. I told him that I understood that, but what about his shoes? He told me that as he was speaking to the man, God helped him to realize that there were more important things in life than Air Jordans. I was blown away… but it didn’t end there. He proceeded to donate all but one pair of his shoe collection to those in need. I know his intention wasn’t to teach me anything, but he sure did.
Rev. Jeremy Sanders, Pastor of Program Ministries