December 29, 2023

“And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” -1 Corinthians 13:13

When you think about God and who God is, what images come to your mind? What characteristics are at the front of your thoughts about God? Is God merciful and kind? Does God seem to you to be angry, or concerned only about laws and rules? It is impossible to limit God to just one personality trait. However, as we read through the scriptures, we see one description of God stand out. Love.

When I think about who God is, I cannot help but think of the beautiful chapter found in the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul spends a considerable amount of time discussing love. Paul makes it clear that love is the foundation to who we are and what we do as a people of faith. Love is what Paul believes to be the clearest description of God.

Paul’s account is full of powerful words. His choice for the word love is the Greek word, Agape. It means to be giving, selfless, expecting nothing in return, among other descriptions. At the heart of Agape is the character of God.  God is love.

This next year our family of faith is taking on the challenge of reading through the entire Bible. I am excited to read the stories of our faith once again. As we read through each book, I hope you will take time to ask what the scripture is telling you about God. Do you see love in the story you are reading? How is God at work? What surprised you or inspired you? What questions did your reading leave in your mind? Reading through the Bible will be worth it! In the pages of this ancient story, we will encounter love.

-Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor

If you don’t have your hard copy of our daily reading plan, you can find it online at:

December 20, 2023

2024 - A Year in the Bible

This is not just the beginning of a new year, but also the beginning of a new endeavor – to read through the Bible. The Bible is made up of different styles of writing (poetry, history, correspondence, etc.), written by numerous individuals, and spans several centuries. While some would think that the variety of authors from different moments of history might lessen the cohesive message of the Bible, it actually amplifies the orchestration by God to use so many voices to carry the unified example of love and mercy for all. As you begin this Year of the Bible, make a commitment to spend part of each day reading and in prayer. 

There might be days where your schedule gets in the way, but do not let stop you from continuing on the next day – or the one after. There will always be circumstances that can interrupt a journey, but stay strong and keep going. During this month you’ll encounter some of the biggest stories of the Bible, certainly the biggest of the Old Testament. In just one month, you’ll experience the creation of the world, the building of the ark and subsequent flood, all the famous spiritual ancestors, enslavement in Egypt, and God’s deliverance of the Hebrew people. 


This year would be a great time to start creating a Heritage Bible for your loved ones. As you read your Bible, write your comments along the way to indicate your favorite scriptures, questions that you have, or comments on different passages. 

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