February 20, 2023

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” – I John 4:11 

Most of you know that our daughter Kelly, her husband Andy, and their four children live in Lafayette, CO.  On December 30, 2021, they stood on their driveway and watched 115 mph winds spread fire through two of their neighboring cities, lighting the whole area into an unbelievable raging fire: It was truly hard to fathom, and hundreds of homes burned to the ground. They were put on notice that they may be evacuated from their home, but so grateful that and their property was untouched.

They wondered how they would all begin to overcome this tragedy. It was so hard to even know how to help or where to begin. They were heartbroken for their community and knew that everyone would be needed to help in this time of great need.

Parker and Milly, their two youngest children, had an idea for a way to share hope and love with the many children that suffered such great loss. They took their Christmas gift money and shopped for small stuffed animals to give to children and attached a message of hope on each one:

Hi! My name is Hope and I am a special gift just for you. I know that it must be scary for you right now, but I want to remind you that things will get better. We are going to have to go on an adventure to get there, but we will not be alone. When we can’t see what’s next, God and his angels will be there to light our way!

Are you ready? Will you go with me?  We may have to go some places that we have not seen before, but we will also meet a lot of kind people along the way.  As loving people help us, we will be filled with even more courage every day! 

We can do this together, one day at a time! Everywhere you go I will go with you. And when you go to sleep at night, God and I will stay awake so you can rest peacefully.  Let’s do this, friend.  Let’s take our first step to a beautiful new beginning.

The response was so beautiful. People were brought to tears reading a simple message of hope. Children, teenagers, mothers, neighbors gathering them for friends, and even grandmothers asked if they could have one for themselves. Many others contributed to their project and in the end, they were able to deliver over 200 Hope Friends in their community.

In the unknown and dark of the night, we could all use a friend to hug, a tangible reminder of His love and faithfulness. Let us all be aware of the needs of those around us and share the blessing of God’s love for us by loving them.

– Marsha Long, Director of Hospitality Ministry