It is difficult for me to accept the fact that each individual person on this earth lives in an entirely different world. Even in the same city on the same block, each home is its own world. In the same families, every brother or sister finds themselves to be completely different than their siblings. We often wonder how our parents could have birthed us when there is no doubt whatsoever that we are like our mothers or fathers; just ask your brother or sister and they will tell you, “You are exactly like our mom!” or “Those were our dad’s words that just came out of your mouth!”
Most of the time, we are able to enjoy these differences. We learn so much from each other, and we are able to encourage our loved ones because we can see the other side of the story. This is how we turn our differences into positive experiences.
I wish we could see the other side of the story when it comes to the relations between those who serve and protect, and those who are served and protected. Because every individual sees life through their own eyes, every story is shaded by their own experiences. It is impossible to experience another’s emotions and concerns no matter how hard we try to put ourselves in their shoes.
You are very fortunate if you cannot point to a single experience and know in your heart that moment was the worst day of your life, and nothing that happened before or after can ever compare to the horror of that event. The extremity of those moments are different for everyone, but it is likely that help was provided by city police, state highway patrol, fire and rescue teams, and the sheriff’s department, no matter where you live in our beautiful nation. We are so trained to call 9-1-1 that we take this service for granted. We know someone will answer our calls for help.
Everyone needs assistance in the most serious and life-threatening times. It may be a heart attack at home, it may be the sound of shots fired, or it may be an auto accident on a dark and icy night; but something will happen to everyone. I am so grateful to God that He put me in America where we have the best support system in the entire world, and I pray every day I will live up to His grace and mercy for me.
Oh, Holy God, please take care of those who take care of us, those who put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve. Amen.
Sue Gibbons, Administrative Assistant to the Worship Team