April 26, 2022

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10

Sharing God’s love is most often done in the small, ordinary moments of life. As we move from one task to the other, we have many opportunities to be kind and bless the people we encounter. It does not have to be a large, expensive gesture to convey God’s gracious love. We simply must offer a kind, intentional act to help others see that there is a God who acts in love, and God’s family of faith acts in love as well.

A recent act of kindness helped to remind the world that a small, intentional act can remind us of God’s great love. A sudden rainstorm happened in Washington D.C.  It caught many people off guard, including several people who were walking down a busy sidewalk. A family of three, including one person in a wheelchair, was standing under a tree, along a busy street. The person in the wheelchair was holding a newspaper over their head, attempting to find some shelter from the sudden downpour.

A driver with a dashboard camera captured a wonderful moment when another driver stopped on the busy street, jumped out of their car, and handed the family his umbrella. The driver immediately jumps back into his car and drives off when the light turns green. The whole incident takes just a few seconds, but it blessed the family stranded in the rain. It also brought such joy to those who watched.

The person who captured the good deed on their dashboard camera shared the brief video on the internet. It brought such joy to the people who viewed the brief act of kindness. It did not take long for the video to go viral. It was inspiring. It is a video that just makes you smile.

I believe that this video went viral because our culture craves love and kindness. We are constantly bombarded with negative stories from around the world and those negative stories take a toll on our souls. When we see loving and kind actions, it fills our hearts and brings peace to our souls. We are God’s creation. We are created to live in a world that reflects the creator. We were designed to “do good works.” We all can share God’s love with the world. Just look around. There are many opportunities to be kind in the small, ordinary moments of our day.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship