September 5, 2024

“Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear.” –Ephesians 4:29

Summer is ending and school is back in session. This year, my youngest daughter has become a middle school student. This transition has given me pause to think about my time in school. Middle school is a difficult time for a student. Making the transition from being a child in an elementary school setting to a somewhat independent student is challenging. Students face the task of finding their place. This age is often a socially awkward time. To make matters worse, students often wrestle with how to treat one another. Students can be harsh, often using mean words towards one another.

My 7th grade homeroom teacher understood the trials of middle school. She worked hard to keep her classroom a positive environment so that her students could be successful. I remember one of her rules, all these years later. My homeroom had the 7up rule. If you said something mean to another student, something disrespectful that might tear down another student, you were required to say seven positive statements in front of the class to build that student up (7up). It was an effective tool that reminded us how easy it is to hurt someone with our words and how much effort it takes to build someone up.

Being an adult is not as socially awkward as being a middle school student. However, the one thing we often bring with us into adulthood is the ability to speak harsh words and hurt one another. Perhaps my 7th grade teacher’s lesson is a good challenge for us all today. We should be committed to positive and edifying speech, “That it may impart grace to those who hear.” It is easy to speak negatively, but we should be intentional about how we treat one another. Kind words can bless others. Compassionate and thoughtful language can be used to build one another up. Like a middle school room, life can be challenging and full of trials. With purposeful and edifying language, we can help each other create a positive environment where God’s love and grace are known and shared.

Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship