January 26, 2024

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:14-16

Travel is often difficult. In the past few years, traveling by plane has become increasingly more difficult. Often, flying is accompanied by heightened tension. We wonder if our flights will be on time, or if it will get cancelled. When parents are flying with their children, it is even more challenging.

Kelly and Jake were about to make a cross-country flight with their 5-month-old daughter. They were nervous, like all parents are before they fly with their children. A long flight is tough on everyone, but it can really test the patience of a baby. Thankfully, Meegan Rubin was on the same flight as Kelly, Jake, and their baby, Romey. Meegan sat just across the aisle. Meegan passed her time by working on crochet projects. Romey was fascinated with Meegan and her fast-moving needle and hands. It was great entertainment for this baby and a welcome distraction for Kelly and Jake.

When Meegan realized that Romey had taken a big interest in her work, she had an idea. Meegan reached into her bag and pulled out yarn that matched the outfit that Romey was wearing. She began to work, with great speed, on a hat for Romey. There was only an hour left in their flight, but Meegan was an accomplished crocheter. Not only did she keep Romey entertained, but when the flight had landed, Meegan was able to present the family a gift. This gift put a smile on the faces of so many on that flight.

Kelly and Jake were interviewed by Good Morning America. They said they had “Never seen someone work so fast.” When they realized the gift was for them, they were thrilled. Kelly said, “What a cool way to just do something nice for a stranger, and in turn, light up everyone else’s day.”

Using our gifts to bless others truly brings light and life to those who we work to help. A small hat brought so much joy to the people on that flight, those who watched Meegan work and the family that received her gift. Each of us have gifts to share. We simply must look to find ways to share what we have so that we bless the people in our midst. When our gifts are combined with a desire to help others, we too will light up their lives.

Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship