Woman at the Well

One of the great encounters in the gospel is between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Jesus and his disciples were traveling through the region of Samaria, a place that most Jews would never venture because of their disdain for the Samaritans. Jesus, not wanting to exclude anyone from His message of good news, traveled the direct route through the region and sat down to rest at the well, purchased by Jacob and given to his son Joseph long ago.



Fear is a powerful force in our world. Fear is the cause of so many actions and reactions in our lives. We must be careful about fear and its effect on our lives. Fear is a natural thing. Fear helps us to be cautious when danger is possible. However, when fear is the only voice we listen to we can become paralyzed.


Senior Night

It is now November, and many high school football teams are preparing for their last few games of the season. The last home game of each season is often celebrated as “Senior Night.” This game is both an important competition and a significant time of celebration. Seniors from the band, cheerleaders, dance, other clubs, and football are recognized for their achievements over the past four years.


Intentional Kindness

I recently made a visit to OU Children’s Hospital. As I walked through the atrium at the hospital entrance, I was thinking only of the family I was about to visit. I walked to the volunteer’s desk and asked for the patient’s room number. I was warmly greeted. They gave me a room number and directions. I was told which elevator would get me where I needed to go. I walked down a long hallway until I found the right elevator. I pressed the button to open the elevator doors, and when the doors opened, I was met by someone unexpected.


Matthew 25:31-40

“When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left.


Psalm 119:41-48

May your unfailing love come to me, Lord,
your salvation, according to your promise;
then I can answer anyone who taunts me,
for I trust in your word.


Feeding the 5000

Jesus set an example for us to follow. To set this example, Jesus would teach, share scripture, and tell stories to guide our thoughts and actions. He would also show us how to live by his example. One of the ways that Jesus set an example is through his actions at the table and before significant meals. At the beginning of these meals, Jesus demonstrates the importance of gratitude.


New Life

We know just a few things about Zacchaeus before he encounters Jesus. He was a wealthy Jewish man who lived in the community of Jericho. His occupation was tax collector. When he Zacchaeus appears in Luke’s gospel, he is doing his best to catch a glimpse of Jesus as he travels through Jericho. Zacchaeus has difficulty seeing Jesus because, as the scripture says, “He was short in stature.” He climbs up a tree to better see Jesus.


Let your light shine!

In the spring of 2023, my family’s community experienced a devastating tornado. Our schools, several businesses, and many homes were damaged. As the storm passed through town, we lost power. The lights went out in our house and all around the community. Although our house was without power for a short time, many went several days before their power was restored.


Elisha Hoffman

Elisha Hoffman served as a Union soldier during the American Civil War. There has never been a more divided time in our country’s history than during the Civil War.
