
One of the great temptations of life is to think that we can do it all by ourselves. It is true that working with others can be a struggle. We don’t always see eye to eye with one another. Our differences can drive a wedge between us. The frustration we experience with others, even those whom we love, can often push us into solitude.


Know Our Story

Our world is a rapidly changing place. We are constantly being bombarded with new innovations, exciting inventions, and different events that make our news channels operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.


Living Water

My youngest daughter is participating in the “Little Olympics” this week. On Monday, the coach reminded the students that they needed to drink lots of water this week so they would be well hydrated for the outdoor games on Friday. They wanted the young athletes to drink now and not wait until the last minute to drink water. When they are thirsty, they need to take a drink of water. This helps their performance and keeps them from getting sick in the heat.


God is near

When I was 19 years old, I moved from Nebraska to Edmond, Oklahoma to go to college at the University of Central Oklahoma. I left my entire family in Nebraska and was six hours away from the support system I had always had right at my fingertips. As the fifth child of six, I remember feeling excited for this new chapter and ready for a fresh canvas of my own where I wouldn’t constantly be known as “so and so’s younger sister” everywhere I went.


Kathy Lee Gifford

The work of Jesus on the cross was a blessing that opened our eyes to new possibilities, freedom, and the gift of life, abundant and full. Jesus himself said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Jesus offered the gift of forgiveness to all.


Luke 24:33-48

And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven gathered together and those who were with them, who said, “The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!” Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread.


Psalm 99

The Lord reigns,
let the nations tremble;
he sits enthroned between the cherubim,
let the earth shake.


King David and Nathan

Few people are as respected as David in the history of Israel. The stories of David are some of the most inspirational stories found in the scriptures. David is the second king of Israel. During his reign Israel moves from being a nomadic people to establishing a permanent home in the promise land. David’s leadership helps to usher Israel into what is considered the “golden age.”


Lou Calhoun

There is no doubt that nurses are a caring people. The calling to be a nurse is a calling to care for others in some of the most critical times of their lives. Nurses must be experts in their field, willing and able to work long and difficult hours, and above all care for others with a servant’s heart. Lou Calhoun is a nurse in Madisonville, Kentucky. She works in the Endoscopy unit at the local hospital. She helps care for several patients, daily.


Micky Thornton

We have all been created with dreams and passions. God gives us dreams and passions to bless life. There are many ways that we bring these passions to life. Some people focus their energy and passion in their work while others focus on their personal life to bring their passion to reality.
