Taking Time to Care

“You can make an impact. You just have to care.” It was a simple and powerful reminder that an impact can be made in the world if we simply take the time and energy to care.


Is the Glass Full?

Sometimes life throws us curveballs. Sometimes things come up out of nowhere that we weren’t expecting. These curveballs and unexpected happenings can be good surprises, bad surprises, and sometimes a combination of both. We don’t always get to see the change coming, and we don’t always get to be the ones to decide what that change looks like, but we do get to decide how we will react to this change.


Goodbye to Summer Interns

Earlier this week we said goodbye to our two interns who have been with us this summer. Jonathan and Ricardo came to us from the Lydia Patterson Institute in El Paso, TX. Both of them actually live…


Anointing Sheep

“Only one application of oil, sulfur, and tar was not enough for the entire summer. It was a process that had to be repeated. The fresh application was the effective antidote.”


Red River Fishing

One of my favorite memories of the trips to Red River were the times spent fishing out in the streams. Every year we would spend at least one day in the Valley of the Pines fishing for trout.


Mrs. Blumhof

This week was Vacation Bible School at St. Luke’s Edmond. It was such an exciting time as we welcomed hundreds of kids and volunteers across our campuses. They sang songs, […]
