A new year is an exciting time. It brings with it a sense of hope and anticipation for all that lies ahead. We know that God offers us new beginnings each and every day, yet there is something special about turning the calendar over to a new year that reminds us of a new beginning that we all need from time to time.
As cliché as it might be, I love the idea of New Year’s resolutions. I always try to keep my goals realistic and attainable, yet also make them something that will push me beyond what is comfortable. I try to include some resolutions for my physical, mental, and spiritual health. I include things I want to accomplish and personal and professional goals. I love to have some that are more concrete and others that are more difficult to measure, yet make a real difference when I accomplish them.
I’m working on my resolutions for 2017 and I would love to hear what resolutions you’ve made before or are making for 2017. Tell me in the comments below about some creative ideas you’ve had for making resolutions and how you stay on track to make sure you keep those resolutions.
Happy New Year!