Waking up early after being up most of the night before does in fact lead to what we are considering the longest day ever! Fortunately, we were able to hear a great sermon, participate in a fantastic pot-luck lunch with the local congregation and then spend some quality bonding time together. We spent most of the day laughing with one another and getting to know more about each other. My favorite part about today, well one of the favorite parts, is that almost every story I have to share is really only funny if you were part of it… So, take note, sign up for the next mission trip :).
A couple of highlights: Jeremy and Lynn knew of a close convenience store and were able to get some great coffee for us when we ran out this morning… Which could have ended very badly. We tried caribou, moose, and beet humus… Actually delicious for you hummus eaters. While some of us went to Walmart to get groceries for the week – 5 carts full – the rest of us went fishing! A couple of us stayed by the bonfire while the others actually fished… And they came back with 11 rainbow trout… Should be a great breakfast! We definitely roasted hot dogs and made s’mores at the bonfire which took us all back to our favorite camp outs… Cabin or tent of course ha! The boys actually cleaned the fish they caught, but then we drove back to the church with a bucket full of fish – you can imagine how great the van smelled. We ended the evening with 2 truths and a lie which was absolutely hilarious and very informative. Such a great day, and we’re looking forward to tomorrow celebrating America’s birthday and prepping for VBS! Also, pictures from today to come… It’s not as easy to upload pictures as we thought 🙂
I’ll end with how God spoke to me today. The sermon this morning talked about how God is such a gracious God and can carry our loads if only we ask. It really hit home that even as we (or I) get upset with God about how certain things in life turn out, He is always ready and waiting for me to open my arms and heart back up to Him. And when we do, then we can really show others God’s love. We are so blessed that no matter how many times we stumble, God is always right by us and ready to help us back up if only we ask.
Each evening, I’ll be asking my fellow team members to share how God spoke to them that day and will in turn share it with all of you.
Until tomorrow,
Robyn and the Alaska Crew