Youth Spring Break Mission Trips

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Each year, the youth travel during their Spring Break to bring hope to another area of our world.The Middle School Youth (grades 6 – 8) will be going to Lakeview MCC in Texas on March 16 – 19, costing $350. A $100 deposit is due by January 15.The High School Youth (grades 9 – 12)…

Dayspring Camp

St. Luke's Downtown Campus 222 N.W. 15th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Dayspring is an awesome week for our high school students (incoming 9th grade – graduated seniors) to grow in their faith. We will worship together and learn from one another as we discuss both in small groups and church chat. Plus there’s lots of hang out and fun times in recreation, free time, and late…

YF Tulsa

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YF (Youth Force) Tulsa is an incredible mission experience where Youth (incoming 7th grade – graduated seniors) will join other youth from several churches around Oklahoma to get together to serve and bring hope to the Tulsa community. Most of the day is spent doing construction-type work to repair homes for those in need. There’s…

Disciple Camp

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Disciple Camp is an extraordinary week for our middle school students (incoming 6th grade – 9th grade) that helps them to focus on connecting with God in amazing ways! Students will make new friends and there are lots of fun recreation activities too. Disciple camp will be held at Sky Ranch Cave Springs near Miami,…