“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” –Philippians 2:4
Jason Haney is a construction worker who spends his day climbing across steel girders, working to build large buildings. It is a rough job that requires a skilled tradesman with nerves as tough as the materials they are working with. Jason Haney has both of those skills on his resume. These skills go along way in helping to build the new wing on the Memorial Children’s Hospital in South Bend, Indiana.
Constructing a building is not the only thing that Jason is doing while at the job-site. Jason has also put his construction skills to work building an 8’ tall “Where’s Waldo?” for the children at the hospital. The construction site where Jason and his crew are currently working faces the existing hospital where these children being treated for various illnesses. Jason and others start the morning by hiding Waldo in various locations around the new hospital wing. The children in the hospital love to wake up and look for Waldo, who is always waving back at them.
Each day is a challenge for the children in that hospital, but Jason has found a way to brighten their day, even in the midst of their struggles. Waldo gives the kids something to talk about, something to look forward to. It also makes Jason’s day because he knows his small act of kindness is making a difference.
The construction workers at the Memorial Children’s Hospital remind us that there is always time for kindness. Even on a busy work-site, with time demands to complete the job, Jason and his crew have found a way to bring joy through kindness. As a people of faith we are called to be kind. When we are intentionally kind we bring hope and joy in all circumstances. I hope you are continuing to look for ways to be kind throughout your day. At home or at work, our kindness can bring joy to others and ourselves.
Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor