But they who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:31
Last year, for the first time, I decided I was going to be very intentional and give up something for Lent that would give me the opportunity to be more focused on my health and well-being as I was approaching the age of 65. I have always worked out and eaten fairly healthy, but for this season, I decided I would give up gluten (bread, pasta, cookies, cakes etc.) and make a conscience effort to lift weights and try to strengthen my bones and not just be a cardio junky as I was recently diagnosed with osteopetrosis and osteoarthritis.
Now, bear in mind that I was always the first one in the kitchen at the church each time they made cookies, or first in line when our chef made his homemade bread. These are some of my favorite foods, and who doesn’t love a big bowl of any kind of pasta? The removal of these foods was definitely going to be a struggle for me to accomplish.
At first, this was really hard, and I struggled as everyone around me was still consuming these wonderful foods. Going out to eat was even harder as I had to be careful about what I ate as I was determined to complete this and focus more on my relationship with God.
My workout routine also changed, and I started lifting more weights and doing less cardio. I noticed as the weeks went by that I got stronger. I also started walking the dog and noticed that this was a time that I could use for reflection on my life and a time for me to pray and speak to God. This time became very precious to me, and I continue to do this every day. My dog, Shasta, also loves the walk and really needs the exercise.
It has been almost a year since I started this journey. I have continued to be gluten-free in my diet, and I feel much better. I have also continued lifting weights and have found that my strength has continued to develop. I am hoping for an improved bone density scan this year. My relationship with God has also improved, and I continue with my daily prayer walks with my dog.
Gabrielle Moon, Executive Director St. Luke’s Children’s Centers