At the start of each class, one of my yoga teachers encouraged us to “make best use of this time.” My son, Ian, recently turned 30. It still boggles my mind that three decades are gone. When you are a young parent, everyone tells you how quickly they grow up. It was hard to comprehend at the time, but now I understand!
To honor Ian’s big milestone birthday, I made a scrapbook with one page highlighting each year of his life. It was a roller coaster of emotions as I sat in my mom’s office, reliving those 30 years of life. I never truly appreciated her incredible attention to detail until I began this project. She has pictures and scrapbooks catalogued down to the month and year from before I was born! I could easily find something like 1998, Ian with the Easter Bunny.
A recurring theme was our epic family Easter parties. All the siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, extended family, and many friends found their way to my parents’ home each year. The food was amazing. The games were silly and fun. And we all looked forward to spending time with family members we didn’t normally see.
My mom ALWAYS wrangled us together for a big group photo. And we ALWAYS feigned disdain because we briefly had to leave our overflowing plates or pause the current game to line up for the obligatory family photo. Now, those images are beyond priceless. As I wandered through those decades of pictures, I was filled with joy as I remembered our young ones filled with awe and wonder. And my heart felt heavy when I saw those who are now in the Kingdom of Heaven: precious cousins and sweet grandmothers.
My parents gave us the gift of togetherness. My mom spent the weeks leading up to Easter preparing by baking pies, cookies, and cakes from scratch. My dad prepared the property for us to run and play. They made the best use of Lent to be ready for what we now remember as precious family time.
I believe God is calling us to make the best use of this time. He sent His son to show us the way by reminding us to forgive, give thanks, be kind, and, of course, love with our whole hearts.
As we journey through Lent, perhaps you will give something up or add a devotional time, cook a meal, and spend quality time with a friend. Each of these is a simple yet powerful way to prepare for the great celebration of Easter and connect to God’s amazing grace.
How will you make the best use of your Lenten journey?
Tisha Tate Garcia, Hospitality Team