“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” -Colossians 3:17
Time is a gift. The good use of our time is a gift to others and ourselves. We must consider how we can intentionally use our time to share God’s love and bring hope to our neighbors. We all have time. Let us consider how we may best use our gift to express our love of God and our love of neighbors.
Danny Chauvin recently retired. He is a veteran of the Army. Danny has lived a busy and successful life. Sadly, Danny’s wife of 53 years, Patricia, passed away. Danny realized he had a tremendous amount of time on his hands. He wanted to come up with something creative to help occupy his time. Danny is creative and very talented at fixing things around the house. He decided he could help people around his community by offering his talents. He got online and advertised his time and talents. Danny simply wrote, “If there’s any honey-do jobs that you can’t handle, I’m willing to help.”
From this simple post, Danny became the “honey-do-dude.” He soon was flooded with messages and phone calls. He has helped families fix closet doors, hang porch swings, install a shower, and so much more. Danny has gone from the quiet solitude of his home to helping with honey-dos all over town. Some days, Danny helps with up to four different jobs. Perhaps the most interesting thing about Danny’s work is that he does it all for free.
Undoubtedly, Dann Chauvin makes the most of his time. This work is a gift to Danny. It takes him away from his often lonely home and gives him much-needed interaction with his neighbors. Danny’s work blesses people with completed honey-dos and savings on the cost of labor. Danny’s work also reminds us that we, too, have the gift of time. When we pair our gifts with our time, we, too, can find a way to bless others with the love and hope of God.
Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship