April 4, 2024

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” -John 13:34-35

Through loving God I’ve learned to love and appreciate my neighbors more than ever before. I see how the mutual love for God brings everyone together as a community. On Sundays, I get to teach two- and three-year-old children all about God and how He loves us. I teach them about Jesus. One of my 3-year-old kids came into the nursery and asked me, “Miss Molly, are we going to learn about Jesus today?”

I’ve recently been teaching all the kids in the nursery how to pray; we bow our heads and do “praying hands” and we say a quick but meaningful prayer. Every one of the children enjoy praying and dancing to a worship song with me and this shows me that no matter how young, or old we can experience and share Gods love in so many ways.

I have found that teaching these kids about God and showing them how much He loves us has helped me love my community more. I find joy in loving my neighbors and I feel as if I have grown closer in my relationship with God. All two and three-year-old children have is love in their hearts and endless amounts of it. I find myself in the same position now, I have so much love to give, and my favorite way to show my love is to spread Gods word and share His lessons with the kids in the nursery. I find myself connecting with my community in a more meaningful way when we are sharing the same love God has for us all.

Molly Love, Nursery Attendant- Downtown Campus